To beat "Chase / Over", you should focus on eliminating Ds one by one. At first, eliminates handler's D, then challenges screener's D.
In this article, I mainly explain about eliminating handler's D. About challenging screener's D, please refer below article.
coming soon...
Eliminating Ds One By One ("2on1 + 2on1" Concept)
Pull Screen
"Pull Screen" means to do reverse-turn after screening. By "Pull Screen", screener can force handler's D to make a big detour. To eliminate handler's D, this is very effective. But only one thing, you should be careful of illegal screen.
"Snake" means to choose driving path like below images after using screen. It is very effective to eliminate tough handler's D by rubbing him against screen. Combining with "Pull Screen", it becomes further effective.
"Jail" means to block a path of handler's D by carrying him on own back while dribbling. By "Jail", you can keep dominating separation, and focus on 2on1 against screener's D for a while.